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This situation won't last much longer. We expect new reactor capacity to drive the strongest uranium demand growth in decades. A quadrupling of China's reactor fleet headlines this growth. New reactors in India, South Korea, and Russia, as well as restarts in Japan, lend additional support. We expect global uranium demand to rise by 40% by 2025. Annual growth of 2.8% might not sound like a lot, but it is massive for a commodity that has seen precious little demand growth since the 1980s.The mined supply of uranium will struggle to keep pace amid rising demand and falling secondary supplies. Low uranium prices since Fukushima have left the project cupboard bare, and we expect a cumulative supply deficit to emerge by 2021. These shortfalls should begin to affect price negotiations in 2017, since utilities tend to secure supplies three to four years before actual use. We estimate contract market prices must rise from the mid-$40s/pound to $65/pound to encourage enough new supply. (谈股论金)  574次阅读

作者: 伍点墨 @, 发表于: 2017-01-13 (2678天前) @ 伍点墨


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