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Uranium miner Cameco is a rare growth story in a mining industry that is likely to see profit expansion harder to come by amid China's structural slowdown. We expect Cameco's annual uranium production, 27.2 million pounds in 2015, to rise more than 30% by 2019. The new volume will be low-cost, with the majority coming from one of the highest-grade deposits in the world. Fulfillment of Cameco's growth plans will hinge foremost on the successful delivery of Cigar Lake (50% ownership stake), a greenfield project near Cameco's McArthur River mine in Saskatchewan. Cigar Lake shares McArthur's attributes: a stellar ore grade, large scale, long life, and an attractive operating cost profile. Production began in 2014, with annual output ramping up to target capacity by 2018. Uranium prices remained weak in 2015, owing to the current supply glut caused by delayed Japanese reactor restarts. This situation won't last much longer. We expect new reactor capacity to drive the strongest uranium deman (谈股论金)  432次阅读

作者: 伍点墨 @, 发表于: 2017-01-13 (2703天前) @ lantian99


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