ZT:Harvard Economist Warns “$700 Gold by 2018" (谈股论金) 560次阅读
观看【Dolphin】的博客Investors are fleeing to gold in a desperate attempt to weather the recent market volatility… but is this long time “safe-haven” actually poised to collapse wiping out trillions of dollars of wealth in the process?
One highly respected Harvard economist is stating an emphatic “yes!”.
“While many economists will argue that gold is not in a bubble… and insist it will soar to $2,000, $5,000 and even $10,000, my research has said otherwise” says Harvard economist Harry Dent in his latest report. “I’ve never been more certain of anything in over 30 years of economic forecasting.”
Market volatility, worries over the Europe Central Bank, negative interest rates, and China are among a laundry list of events that are driving panicked masses to buy the yellow metal. But this is only inflating the gold bubble that is poised to pop at any moment, he says.
Related: Harvard Economist Warns: Get Out of Gold IMMEDIATELY and Buy This Instead
Dent, who pioneered a whole new science of economic forecasting in the early 1980’s has been able to accurately predict almost every major economic event over the past 30 years. —including the collapse of Japan, The Great Tech Boom of the 1990’s, and the 2008 market crash.
Now his latest prediction his proving controversial among financial circles across the country.
Traditionally investors flock to gold as a way to hedge against inflation. But according to Dent’s research, we’re about to see the exact opposite happen.
Dent warns that we are about to experience an economic crisis far worse than 2008 — the full-blown collapse of the stock market and massive deflation.
And that investors who attempt to hide their money in the “safe haven” of gold, could damage their wealth to an even greater degree.
Related: How To Get Rich From Deflation
This scenario was practically preordained — as far back as the mid-1990s when the bubble in stocks began and real estate followed and Baby Boomers were heading for their peak spending years into 2007.
“When you understand this event, including the fundamental reasons driving it, you need not panic. You will see there’s a tremendous upside to what will unfold over this decade and beyond.” Says Dent. “After all, when you’re able to know what’s coming – and position yourself accordingly – the years ahead could be prosperous times.”
- 5/19/2017 《每日资讯时事综述股市快报》 各位童鞋可以上传与股市相关的各种新闻传闻,当日交易提醒以及转发的名家每日复盘也请发在此版 - 新东, 2017-05-18
- zt:别只盯着美国和OPEC 油价上涨出现新威胁 - 新东, 2017-05-18
- 油价周四一度因特朗普涉俄调查而下跌逾1%,不过油价顽强收涨,因主要产油国表示,他们愿意加入到延长减产行动中,以减少当前持续的全球供应过剩。但油市仍存不确定因素, 机构JBC Energy的研究主管持不同观点并指出,市场应考虑中间产品,航空燃油、柴油和其他产品并不在EIA数据中,而这些燃料的库存正在增加,这可能导致成品油库存上升。从而减缓供应量的下降速度。美国原油产量上升所造成的影响会在未来几周更易显现。美国原油产量增加使出口到亚洲的原油不断上升,破坏了OPEC主导的收紧市场供应的努力。 路透的运输数据显示,美国对亚洲的原油出口量在2015和2016年还处于低位,但到2017年第一季度已经飙升至10艘油轮,预计这一数字还将上升。 今年北海出口到亚洲的石油同样创历史新高,第一季度共有19艘油轮向亚洲运输石油,预计第二季度将保持这一出口水平。 - 新东, 2017-05-18
- 分析师称,黄金在昨天强劲上涨后下跌,是需要喘息一下,因遇到了1260美元/盎司的强阻力位,同时昨日的大涨也导致了一些获利回吐。但因黄金昨日已跨越过200日均线,从技术指标看还是比较积极的。美国股市的抛售看起来仍没有结束,一系列丑闻对特朗普的总统职位以及他未来的政策造成了阴影。市场也在怀疑特朗普似乎能够兑现其减税和放松管制的承诺。不过,据周四的最新爆料,事态向对特朗普有利的方向反转,黄金短期支撑有所减弱,金价已跌破200日均线大约1254.56美元/盎司的水平,后市面临一定压力。全球最大黄金ETF,SPDR Gold Trust周四持仓较上日减少1.18吨,当前持仓量为850.71吨。 - 新东, 2017-05-18
- 周五重点关注: 8:30 加拿大4月CPI和零售销售。 9:15 美国圣路易斯联储主席James Bullard(2017年非FOMC票委)在美国企业成长协会就美国经济与货币政策发表演讲。 10:00 欧元区5月消费者信心指数初值。 1:00 美国油服贝克休斯发布石油钻井机周报. 1:40 美联储Williams在旧金山讲话。 - 新东, 2017-05-18
- ZT:美元美股双杀,真相雪藏 - 新东, 2017-05-18
- 谢谢新东分享! - stone, 2017-05-18
- 石头早! - 新东, 2017-05-19
- 新东,海豚早上好,谢谢你们每天发的信息, 帮我度过这段解套的日子,辛苦了! - stone, 2017-05-19
- 石头早! - 新东, 2017-05-19
- 谢谢新东分享! - stone, 2017-05-18
- ZT:真没想到 中国取代欧洲成为华尔街头号担忧对象 - Dolphin, 2017-05-19
- 谢谢Dolphin! - xlgu, 2017-05-19
- 谢谢海豚! - stone, 2017-05-19
- 谢谢Dolphin! - xlgu, 2017-05-19
- ZT:华尔街大空头:市场希望副总统彭斯取代特朗普 - Dolphin, 2017-05-19
- 也有MM说股市走高和Trump没关系,是因为经济的基本面好,因为大部分公司季报都超预期. 看来不管发生什么情况,MM还是想把股市继续炒高? - Dolphin, 2017-05-19
- ZT:Harvard Economist Warns “$700 Gold by 2018" - Dolphin, 2017-05-19
- 海豚早!谢谢! - 新东, 2017-05-19
- this guys is not affiliated with Harvard economics whatsoever. - greenhorse, 2017-05-19
- 看完整篇都没能归纳出一条理由。看来只是博眼球。 - Maple, 2017-05-19
- 新东早上好!各位同学今天交易顺利! - xlgu, 2017-05-19
- xlgu早! - 新东, 2017-05-19
- zt:全球能源市场的一场巨变:美国廉价天然气供应即将涌入中国 - 新东, 2017-05-19
- 【周五美股盘前你需要了解的全球资讯】 非美货币集体走高,美元指数跌至6个月低点。油价涨逾1%。 媒体:OPEC经济委员会考虑深化和延长减产行动。 美国政府为8月中旬开始重新协商北美自贸协定启动倒计时。 亚洲股市涨跌不一。日经225指数涨0.2%,沪指基本平收,恒指涨0.2%。 关注稍晚的欧元区5月消费者信心指数初值、上周石油钻井数据,以及美联储Bullard的讲话。 (华尔街见闻7x24直播 不止是快) https://wallstreetcn.com/live/us-stock - 新东, 2017-05-19
- 美国纽约联储:上调美国第二季度GDP预期至增长2.33%,之前料增1.88%。 - Dolphin, 2017-05-19
- 每周复盘 | 川普沙特行 OPEC延长减产 本周市场梳理 - 路过停留, 2017-05-27