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岩页油基础 (谈股论金)  18712次阅读

作者: 雅歌 @, 发表于: 2016-08-28 (2961天前)



岩页油(页岩油), Shale Oil, 或Tight Oil根据定义是从页岩地层或油砂 或任何含有原油的岩石层里提炼出来的原油。比如按照 http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shaleoil.asp 的定义:

DEFINITION of 'Shale Oil '
A type of unconventional oil found in shale formations. Shale oil can refer to two types of oil. It may refer to crude oil that is found within shale formations, or to oil that is extracted from oil shale. Oil shale is a type of sedimentary rock that has low permeability, and which has bituminous-like solids that can be liquefied during the extraction process。

Shale oil is an unconventional oil produced from oil shale rock fragments by pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution. These processes convert the organic matter within the rock (kerogen) into synthetic oil and gas. The resulting oil can be used immediately as a fuel or upgraded to meet refinery feedstock specifications by adding hydrogen and removing impurities such as sulfur and nitrogen. The refined products can be used for the same purposes as those derived from crude oil.

The term "shale oil" is also used for crude oil produced from shales of other very low permeability formations. However, to reduce the risk of confusion of shale oil produced from oil shale with crude oil in oil-bearing shales, the term "tight oil" is preferred for the latter.[1] The International Energy Agency recommends to use the term "light tight oil" and World Energy Resources 2013 report by the World Energy Council uses the term "tight oil" for crude oil in oil-bearing shales。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shale_oil

很明显,根据上面的定义,Shale Oil(页岩油,俺选择用页岩油的翻译)包含两种:
1.Oil Shale。有少部分的人为了避免混淆,把Shale Oil(页岩油)仅仅用在 Oil Shale(油页岩)上。
2.Tight Oil。这是指藏在渗透性低的岩页石层(Shale)或砂石层当中的原油,中文的称呼也叫做岩页油/页岩油(Shale Oil)。(谷歌的翻译是“紧张油”, Bing的翻译是“致密油”)

Tight oil (also known as shale oil or light tight oil, abbreviated LTO) is petroleum that consists of light crude oil contained in petroleum-bearing formations of low permeability, often shale or tight sandstone.[1] Economic production from tight oil formations requires the same hydraulic fracturing and often uses the same horizontal well technology used in the production of shale gas. It should not be confused with oil shale, which is shale rich in kerogen, or shale oil, which is oil produced from oil shales. Therefore, the International Energy Agency recommends to use the term "light tight oil" for oil produced from shales or other very low permeability formations, while World Energy Resources 2013 report by the World Energy Council uses the term "tight oil".(参考一)

雅歌您可能理解有误。您说的岩页油是不是油页岩?油页岩需要跟开采油砂类似的方式来开采。页岩油和油页岩完全不同。如果您说的是页岩油ShaleOil(Tight Oil的一种),绝不是加拿大的油砂,目前页岩油主要是用大型水力压裂的开采方式。化学驱或者用蒸汽热开采页岩油?目前还没有听说过。最好要好好研究一下什么是页岩油和油页岩,没有听说过岩页油。如果说的是Shale Oil,最好写成页岩油,这是通常的行业说法,我也认为你说的是页岩油。并不是挑您的写法,只是为了落实咱俩说的是一个东西。 - 云逸徉, 2016-08-19, 14:4

很明显,此人认为Shale Oil是Tight Oil的一种,是完全把定义搞反!这其实不要紧,搞错不是什么大不了的事!但是,自己搞不清楚而指责别人搞错,这就有些说不过去!


请注意图形里传统的原油开采是用垂直井,是从地层里的储油池(Reservoir),把原油抽出来,就像用吸管把水碗里的水吸上来。然而地层里不是到处都有储油池,所以需要花很多金钱和时间去寻找,需要到处打探勘井。在寻找可能的地下储油池时,地质专家可以使用地震波,重力仪(Gravimeter),或磁力计(magnetometers)来初步的寻找可能含油地质特性的地区,然后开始挖探勘井。若是发现其中一个探勘井出油,石油公司还需要知道这一个井地下的储油量是否够多,值不值得开采!若是储存量少,比如只有一百万桶,乘上目前的原油价格比如是50美元,那么总共这找到的储油池的原油价值只有5千万美元,不值得开采!因为正式的油井,必须铺上钢管和水泥固定,在陆地上的传统油井大概要花上数百万美元的工程费做好一口产油井。若是新井,新储油池,压力够,原油会自动喷上来。然而产油之后不久,压力就会下降,必须打水,或打气进地下储油池,让剩下的原油浮起来,这样可以尽量增加Recovery Rate(回收率),通常是30%-50%, 最高可达90%!

石油公司如何估计地下的储油量有多少呢?这就是需要钻很多探勘井,找出地下的储油池的面积和大约形状,然后乘上平均深度和回收率,就大概可以估算储油量。全世界最大的地下储油池(oil reservoir)是在沙特,大约是230公里长,30公里宽,90米(公尺)深。

Prior to oil production from a new reservoir, volumetric methods are used to estimate oil-in-place. A series of test drills (钻探勘井) are used to map the rock conditions at and around the drilling site and to estimate the size of the oil-bearing rock field. The oil in place is calculated as the product of the volume of porous oil-bearing rock, the porosity of the rock, and its saturation (参看:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_in_place)

在钻好正式的产油井,开始生产之后,储油量可以根据油压和产量的变化测量来估计(Material Balance Method),也可以根据每日产量减少的速度代入ARPS递减曲线里(Decline Analysis Method),求得储油量。(参看5)

1.含油的岩石(Oil Shale)里,把岩石加热,将油煮出来,在过程中可以使用化学剂,压裂增加岩页油(Shale Oil的产量。
Shale oil is an unconventional oil produced from oil shale rock fragments by pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution. These processes convert the organic matter within the rock (kerogen) into synthetic oil and gas. The resulting oil can be used immediately as a fuel or upgraded to meet refinery feedstock specifications by adding hydrogen and removing impurities such as sulfur and nitrogen. The refined products can be used for the same purposes as those derived from crude oil.(参考2)

B.现场开采与处理方式一起同时做(In-Situ),这是要在油页岩(Oil Shale)层里挖油井,在油井钢壁加热把岩层里的页岩油(Shale Oil)煮出来。
In situ technologies heat oil shale underground by injecting hot fluids into the rock formation, or by using linear or planar heating sources followed by thermal conduction and convection to distribute heat through the target area. Shale oil is then recovered through vertical wells drilled into the formation.[10] These technologies are potentially able to extract more shale oil from a given area of land than conventional ex situ processing technologies, as the wells can reach greater depths than surface mines.(参考2,“Shale Oil Extraction”)

2.Tight Oil是从地壳的岩页层里,把禁锢在页岩里的原油,制造裂缝,让里面禁锢的原油流出来。

从上图可以看出来,这种称作Tigh tOil的页岩油是使用水平井,因为垂直井只能开采到页岩层的厚度,通常只有15m-91m(米),虽然有极少数地区的页岩层的厚度,可达几公里。而水平井的水平长度可一般是1000-3000m(米)。这样可以增加几百倍页岩层的接触面,让一口油井的产量比起垂直井增加百倍!而且图形里显示的岩页层是连续一整片的,不是一小段分开的。
Horizontal drilling involves wellbores with a terminal drillhole completed as a "lateral" that extends parallel with the rock layer containing the substance to be extracted. For example, laterals extend 1,500 to 5,000 feet (460 to 1,520 m) in the Barnett Shale basin in Texas, and up to 10,000 feet (3,000 m) in the Bakken formation in North Dakota. In contrast, a vertical well only accesses the thickness of the rock layer, typically 50–300 feet (15–91 m). Horizontal drilling reduces surface disruptions as fewer wells are required to access the same volume of rock.(参考8)

这称为Tight Oil的岩页油(页岩油)不需要像传统油井(Conventional Oil Well)一样,到处钻探勘井,因为:

1.不需要找储油池,探勘油井若差几公尺偏离储油池就完全没有原油!而Tight Oil的岩页油,是整个岩层都是!(请看上图)这就是为什么可以横向挖几公里长,而且可以往四面八方挖横向井,像是地下隧道一样。这样的只要一口垂直井,让底下的油可以上来,下面分叉的几口横向井共享一垂直出口!。 然而这种以圆心往外排列方式不一定比平行排列,各自有垂直出口的水平井的产量多!

2.不需要像传统油井开发之前,需要找出储油池的面积,来评估储油量多少,值不值得开发!Tight Oil是只要找到有页岩层的地质,就一定有油。产量可能会有一些差别,同样的油井面积(体积),产油量最多差别在7倍。 然而产油商不会挖不规则的横向井,因为这将影响其它可挖的井的数目。比如在一平方公里(1Km* 1KM),四方形的区域,每隔100公尺挖一口井,水平方向长一公里。平行的排列可以挖10口井。若是每一口井都是不规则的,很难排到10口井。不但施工困难,同面积内的总产量也会变少!

3.Tight Oil的岩页油,即使到处打探勘井也没用,因为油是锁在岩石里,每一个立方米的原油都可能不完全一样。这长达3公里,直径是几公尺的横向井,若是挖几个垂直探勘井采样根本无济于事,根本无法保证几公里长的岩石里,每一立方米,都有相同的油储量!

某人的回答是同一块地(Oil Field),到处要打探勘井,明显是传统油井要找出储油池(Reservoir)体积的想法,页岩油根本没有储油池(reservoir),油藏在渗透性低的岩石里!

谢谢雅歌回复。您的看法也许对也许不对。页岩油藏如果真象您想象的那样整个盆地的页岩都有石油那就好了。太理想化就会出问题了。页岩也不都是全部都含有经济可采的原油,这就是导致有的成本非常高,有的成本非常低的原因。也不是想打多少井就打多少井,既有井距的限制,又有油层位置的限制。最简单的一句话就是石油开采都是挑肥检瘦的。页岩油层要找含灰质,粉砂岩,脆性好,有裂缝的区域来打井。我说石油钻机增加有错误?美国原油产量减少有错误?我不明白错在哪里?另外美国的石油公司大多数自己不会养油服公司,一般都是租借。 - 云逸徉,

In the Petroleum Industry, a well test is the execution of a set of planned data acquisition activities to broaden the knowledge and understanding of hydrocarbons properties and characteristics of the underground reservoir where hydrocarbons are trapped. The test will also provide information about the state of the particular well used to collect data. The overall objective is identifying the reservoir's capacity to produce hydrocarbons, such as oil, natural gas and condensate.

The main objective in the exploration phase is to assess the size of a reservoir and state with a given certainty whether it has the properties for commercial exploitation and shall contribute to accounting for available reserves.

Tight Oil的开采方式:

1. 钻好水平井,铺上有许多细孔的钢管和水泥固定后。油井还几乎还不会产油!这细孔是要让原油从岩石的裂缝里流入钢管。

2. 使用Hydraulic Fracturing(水力压裂,参看8),就是用90%的水,9.5%的沙,和0.5%的化学剂,加上压力。主要是让让岩壁产生许多裂缝,让岩石里的原油可以渗透出来。页岩层是低渗透性的岩层,没有裂缝和小孔,油流不出来。

3. 完成水力压裂之后,就去掉压力,这时灌进去的沙子会撑开裂缝,不至于去压之后有合起来。原油就会缓缓从裂缝里流出,流进钢管的小洞口里。这井就开始产油!
4. Hydraulic Fracturing是一次性的预备油井,增加油产量的方式。不是每天使用来产油的!Hydraulic Fracturing一次大约要花5百万美元,而一般水平钻井大约花200-350万美元!

某人把Hydraulic Fracturing当作是用大型水压把油从岩石里压出来!这是完全错的!事实上是要去压之后,油才会流出!某人否定俺说的需要用化学剂,显然只是顾名思意“Hydraulic”就是水压,所以应该用纯水,不加任何化学剂!
下面是从参考8里拷贝出来的一段文字,在Hydraulic Fracturing之前,可以用强酸HCL,清理洞孔和让页岩石开始产生裂缝!(for cleaning the perforations and initiating fissure in the near-wellbore rock)除了用水,还可以用增加酒精(甲烷,乙烷)等,增加原油从岩缝里溶解出来和避免原油在冬天结冰!

Water is mixed with sand and chemicals to create fracking fluid. Approximately 40,000 gallons of chemicals are used per fracturing.[60] A typical fracture treatment uses between 3 and 12 additive chemicals.[45] Although there may be unconventional fracturing fluids, typical chemical additives can include one or more of the following:
• Acids—hydrochloric acid or acetic acid is used in the pre-fracturing stage for cleaning the perforations and initiating fissure in the near-wellbore rock.[55]
• Sodium chloride (salt)—delays breakdown of gel polymer chains.[55]
• Polyacrylamide and other friction reducers decrease turbulence in fluid flow and pipe friction, thus allowing the pumps to pump at a higher rate without having greater pressure on the surface.[55]
• Ethylene glycol—prevents formation of scale deposits in the pipe.[55]
• Borate salts—used for maintaining fluid viscosity during the temperature increase.[55]
• Sodium and potassium carbonates—used for maintaining effectiveness of crosslinkers.[55]
• Anaerobic, Biocide, BIO—Glutaraldehyde used as disinfectant of the water (bacteria elimination).[55]
• Guar gum and other water-soluble gelling agents—increases viscosity of the fracturing fluid to deliver proppant into the formation more efficiently.[52][55]
• Citric acid—used for corrosion prevention.
• Isopropanol—used to winterize the chemicals to ensure it doesn't freeze.[55]
The most common chemical used for hydraulic fracturing in the United States in 2005–2009 was methanol, while some other most widely used chemicals were isopropyl alcohol, 2-butoxyethanol, and ethylene glycol.

其实某人上面所犯的错误都不算太严重,把Shale Oil说反成是Tight Oil的一种,说Oil Shale不是页岩油(Shale Oil),又挑剔俺说的岩页油不知何物。否认俺说的开采的方式是用热,用化学剂,和压力,各种不同的技术, 以为只有一种方式,纯用水压把原油榨出来,真的自以为是!


产量增加与否不是看钻机数目的增加,而是看一年中增加多少经济储量Proven Reserves(P1)。2015年多数石油公司储量接替率低于0.5,表示年产100万的公司,只增加了不到50万供下一年投产。2016年将更甚。到了2017年,你空有钻机没有打井的地方了。原油产量是否增加主要看勘探投资是否增加,勘探投资增加通常才会增加经济储量。进而增加产量。否则没有增加产量的基础。 - 云逸徉, 2016-08-19

Proven Reserve(1P),不过是还在地里的储量,是一个以科学方式预估得出的数据。怎么会与原油目前的产量有关呢?委内瑞拉的Proven Reserve是2015年时排名第一,沙特是排名第二。但是沙特的日产量在10M以上,而委内瑞拉的日产量去年是2.4M, 今年还更少。因为缺钱,无法维修和增产!今年美国的Proven Reserve跃居全球第一,可是美国的原油日产量只有约8.6M桶。

The proven oil reserves in Venezuela are recognized as the largest in the world, totaling 297 billion barrels (4.72×1010 m3) as of 1 January 2014.。

根据美国EIA公布的最新的数据, 2014年的proven oil reserves 是36.385 Billion 桶,即使美国每天日产10M桶,也要36385天,约100年才会开采完,假设没有再发现新油储!现在说的美国的原油Proven Reserve影响到增产实在太遥远!(参看:https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=RCRR01NUS_1&f=A)

钻油台数目的增加一定会让产量增加,这是最基本的常识,根本不用辩论!当然,若只是增加一两台,可能看不出来,或许没影响。可是增加了90台,从316台增加至410台,增加近30%, 若说没影响是不可能的!去年就是因为钻油台数目在5-8月份增加,导致了原油产量在10月份以后上升,从日均产量9.05M升至2月初的9.28M! 这是事实,是EIA每周公布的数据里所显示的!


1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tight_oil
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shale_oil_extraction
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydraulic_fracturing
4. Reserve Estimation:http://infohost.nmt.edu/~petro/faculty/Engler370/fmev-chap3-reserves.pdf
5. Reservoir Engineering for Geologists http://large.stanford.edu/courses/2013/ph240/zaydullin2/docs/fekete.pdf
6. Well Test:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well_test_(oil_and_gas)
7. Completion (oil and gas wells):https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Completion_(oil_and_gas_wells)
8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydraulic_fracturing


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