
【感恩客栈有你】“BECAUSE" 客栈的新老朋友们,感恩节快乐!特别感恩修理小子为大家提供这一交流平台。修理小子,辛苦啦!!! (我是歌手)  3628次阅读

作者: 老乔治 @, 发表于: 2019-11-28 (1631天前)
编辑: 老乔治, 时间: 星期四, 十一月 28, 2019, 15:59



Because, you come to me,
With naught save love,
And hold my hand and lift mine eyes above,
A wider world of hope and joy i see,
Because you come to me!
Because you speak to me in accent sweet,
I find the roses waking ‘round my feet,
And i am led through tears and joy to thee,
Because you speak to me!
Because god made thee mine,
I’ll cherish thee,
Through light and darkness through all time to be,
And pray his love may make our love divine,
Because god made thee mine!


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