
【春天了印象 钢琴即兴原创音乐】【可爱的心】《俏皮的样子》| 《美丽的彩虹》 泰坦尼克上的晨歌 节日快乐!Chuntianle (我是歌手)  3712次阅读

作者: chuntianle @, 发表于: 2020-11-22 (1295天前)
编辑: chuntianle, 时间: 星期三, 十一月 25, 2020, 00:14


刚发现上个帖子发错了, 不再改。所以这样发了。谢谢!



“Beautiful Rainbow” 爱可以跨越国界。我唱我写的歌,唱了4个调,都不完美。却发现这首歌可以柔情似水的唱,其实还可以有力的柔情似水的唱 Chuntianle

1. This one is best cover song of urs I don't know why but it's make me feel that we are listening ur song live in the hall of huge ship (like Titanic ) with a lots of people ... Not gonna lie your voice is so beautiful you deserve so much love. C. Lofi (竟联想到了泰坦尼克) (New)
2. 感谢您用意大利语撰写的文字!我们都需要彩虹
3.This sounds so classic and cool
4. ALLA MIA DOLCE E DOLCISSIMA MIA AMICA DEL MIO CUORE grazie per il bel video e per la deliziosa e bella canzone e dolce musica con una voce dolcissima tuo giuseppe DALLA SICILIA TUO AMICO CARO
5. Hi Chuntinale , What a beautiful song you have crafted here and with your heavenly singing it makes a wonderful Sunday morning song for jb

《美丽的彩虹》"Beautiful Rainbow” 作词/作曲/演唱/文字/制作 chuntianle

Rainbow Song with Lyrics | Happy Thanksgiving Original Song Chuntianle 春天了
Original Song: Beautiful Rainbow
Music/Lyrics/Arrangement: Chuntianle

【春天了印象 原创四季的赞美诗】一道跨越国界的《美丽的彩虹》
Rainbow Song - To Cheer for you. (English)
By Chuntianle

【即兴钢琴原创】即兴曲 俏皮的样子
"Impromptu Playful Look" - Self Composed Music
Third improvisation on 09/19/2018
Happy, Bright, Inspirational
Romantic, Classical, Inspirational, Heart Song,
Self Composed Song, Self Composed Music, original song
Love Song, Spring Song, spring
春天了印象派, impressionism, 4 seasons, 春天来了,春天
New Power Art
Copyright © 2020 chuntianle. All rights reserved.


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我是歌手 新闻速递 谈股论金 聊天灌水 影视在线 心灵大学 原创天地 笑话连篇 美食天下 视觉艺术 伴奏交流