
He was nominated for a Grammy Award for his solo work on "In Vogue" a track from loanne Brackeen's 1999 album Pink Elephant Magic, and was prominently featured on Steely Dan's Grammy-winning album from 2000.英语这样说, 有点绕。说的是那个专辑获得格莱美大奖。一个朋友这样告诉我:Great blues in the background by the way...Also, a very interesting interview on success and how to achieve it. I am glad I watched this wonderful interview as I need all the help I can get :)..Nice to see a new post by you dear friend. jb (我是歌手)  418次阅读

作者: chuntianle @, 发表于: 2020-09-26 (1314天前) @ chuntianle
编辑: chuntianle, 时间: 星期日, 九月 27, 2020, 17:43


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