
【六六大顺庆周年】 与听泉歌友合作: “歌剧魅影”选段:The Angel of Music (我是歌手)  4221次阅读

作者: Serena藕花深处 @, 发表于: 2020-07-21 (1380天前)
编辑: Serena藕花深处, 时间: 星期二, 七月 21, 2020, 16:59


感谢听泉和玉兰介绍“歌剧魅影”来客栈!迷进去一发不可收, 然后发现了这首女声重唱, 介绍给听泉, 她真不愧是音乐天才, 三下五除二就做好了底板, 效果跟我想象的一样精彩, 帮我圆了一个小小的梦!认识听泉三年来的首次合作,非常荣幸, 值得纪念!也非常感谢听泉在录音技术上的点拔!
这是歌剧魅影主角Christine与好友 Megan 的一段短小精悍的唱段。 Christine 在歌剧院首唱 “Think of me”, (玉兰和听泉都在客栈发表过),一鸣惊人, 惊艳全场。这是Megan私下祝贺她时,她向Megan透露,有一位神秘的“音乐天使”(后来才知道是魅影)是她的导师, 在暗中一直指导她歌唱。 当然Megan以为那全是她在说梦话啦。

Where in the world have you been hiding?
Really, you were perfect
I only wish I knew your secret
Who is this great tutor?

Father once spoke of an Angel
I used to dream he'd appear
Now as I sing, I can sense him
And I know he's here

Here in this room, he calls me softly
Somewhere inside, hiding
Somehow I know he's always with me
He, the unseen genius

Christine, you must have been dreaming
Stories like this can't come true
Christine, you're talking in riddles
And it's not like you

Angel of music, guide and guardian
Grant to me your glory
Angel of music, hide no longer
Secret and strange Angel
He's with me even now
All around me
It frightens me

Who is this angel? This
Angel of music, hide no longer
Secret and strange Angel

Your hands are cold

Your face, Christine, it's white!

Don't be frightened




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