
BABY BELUGA--祝我的小果果生日快乐! (我是歌手)  5239次阅读

作者: 小活 @, 发表于: 2019-09-04 (1746天前)
编辑: 小活, 时间: 星期五, 九月 06, 2019, 20:48


今天给她申请个微信号,明天把这歌当做惊喜的第一个信息发给她 :))


Baby beluga in the deep blue sea
Swim so wild and you swim so free
Heaven above and the sea below
And a little white whale on the go
Baby beluga, baby beluga
Is the water warm
Is your mama home with you, so happy

Way down yonder where the dolphins play
Where you dive and splash all day
Waves roll in and the waves roll out
See the water squirtin' out of your spout
Baby beluga, oh, baby beluga
Sing your little song
Sing for all your friends, we like to hear you
When it's dark, you're home and fed
Curl up, snug in your water bed
Moon is shining and the stars are out
Good night, little whale, good night
Baby beluga, oh, baby beluga
With tomorrow's sun, another day's begun
You'll soon be wakin'
Baby beluga in the deep blue sea
Swim so wild and you swim so free
Heaven above and the sea below
And a little white whale on the go
You're just a little white whale on the go


还有就是给我的小果果生日唱首歌,晚上突然想到这首小时候哄她睡觉的歌,以前就是只会唱第一段,先录一段,哪哪都找不到伴奏,就想到自己唱两个频道,把原声盖一盖,这两天忙工作时再听听,争取周末生日party前把整首歌录出来换上来 :))



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