这柠檬不是那柠檬 五十年代英文老歌 --Lemon Tree (我是歌手) 3972次阅读
观看【Serena藕花深处】的博客When I was just a lad of ten, my father said to me
"Come here and take a lesson from the lovely lemon tree."
"Don't put your faith in love, my boy", my father said to me
"I fear you'll find that love is like the lovely lemon tree."
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat
One day beneath the lemon tree, my love and I did lie
A girl so sweet that when she smiled the stars rose in the sky
We passed that summer lost in love beneath the lemon tree
The music of her laughter hid my father's words from me:
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat
One day she left without a word. She took away the sun
And in the dark she left behind, I knew what she had done
She'd left me for another, it's a common tale but true
A sadder man but wiser now I sing these words to you:
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat
- 这柠檬不是那柠檬 五十年代英文老歌 --Lemon Tree - Serena藕花深处, 2019-04-02
- 沙发!没有听过的老歌,藕花妹妹唱得好听!热烈鼓掌献花! - 老乔治, 2019-04-02
- 谢乔治听歌鼓励!这首歌是出国后有一天偶然从收音机里听到的, 属于一听钟情的歌。 前一阵才找到伴奏呢! - Serena藕花深处, 2019-04-02
- 好听,藕花的E歌一如既往唱的好棒,我除了国语以外的歌,别的歌我都唱不了,太费劲。赞藕花棒棒的演绎。 - 秋叶飘洒, 2019-04-04
- 谢秋叶听歌鼓励!有时候选英文歌就是觉得可以不必高音啦呵呵。 - Serena藕花深处, 2019-04-04
- 英文歌,俺是望而生畏。藕花什么歌都能唱,厉害! - 墨脉, 2019-04-04
- 谢墨脉鼓励!我仰望你唱出电视剧插曲水平的本事呢! - Serena藕花深处, 2019-04-04
- 占座 - 修理小子, 2019-04-04
- 藕花的声音有一点慵懒的小沙,太迷人了!这样的声音唱英文歌最好!没听过这首歌但藕花唱的真好听!非常喜欢!赞! - 修理小子, 2019-04-04
- 谢黄酒听歌热诚鼓励!这次满辛苦的, 想试试自己还能不能唱歌, 就找了这首音域比较好驾驭的,不过一直喜欢这首歌, 这次终于唱囫囵啦!也向大家推荐这首老歌! - Serena藕花深处, 2019-04-04
- 还真没听过这首歌,有那个时代旋律的印记。藕花会的英文歌真多,可以开门课专门介绍英文lyrics了:) - 丽桥游子, 2019-04-04
- 谢丽桥鼓励!我是来加拿大后偶然听的这首歌呢!你还别说, 这首歌我曾经用在英文课上让学生分析修辞手法哪! - Serena藕花深处, 2019-04-04
- 我猜这棵lemontree不是酸味儿的是肉味儿的,听到藕花的歌声好亲切,开个玩笑,主要是减肥的人煮肉香啊又不能吃 - 小活, 2019-04-04
- 哈哈小活太逗乐啦!我猛一看以为我唱串味了哪!要的就是这种multitask 的本事, 要不然怎么能一路歌唱还忙着生活哪!减肥干嘛, 先吃了过瘾再去锻炼嘛! - Serena藕花深处, 2019-04-04
- 仰望会唱英文歌的高手! ^^ 藕花英文好顺溜, 好犀利! - 佩仪, 2019-04-05
- 谢佩仪友友热诚鼓励! - Serena藕花深处, 2019-04-14
- 藕花妹唱英文歌那真的不是盖的!就是原汁原味。 - 爱晚亭, 2019-04-05
- 谢爱晚亭友友听歌美言! - Serena藕花深处, 2019-04-14
- 又欣赏到藕花姐漂亮的英文歌曲,这次有点小可爱哦!非常好听!为你鼓掌! - Lissa, 2019-04-06
- 谢丽莎掌声鼓励! - Serena藕花深处, 2019-04-14
- 很喜欢的歌,唱得好,再赞! - 雨峻, 2019-04-06
- 谢雨峻友友热诚鼓励! - Serena藕花深处, 2019-04-14
- 这歌太有哲理了,这个父亲就是个哲人啊,柠檬树喻人生,太精准了。很喜欢你的演唱,娓娓道来,婉如父亲的谆谆教诲。 - 逍遥乐, 2019-04-07
- 谢逍遥乐友友!这歌词其实有点灰色呢, 油管子下面留言说百分之九十的初恋都是这样呢, 又美又伤感。 - Serena藕花深处, 2019-04-14
- 沙发!没有听过的老歌,藕花妹妹唱得好听!热烈鼓掌献花! - 老乔治, 2019-04-02