✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿【生如夏花】活动圆满结束!非常感谢大家的积极参与!也再次感谢“爱晚亭”歌友的好点子,让大家玩得很尽兴!✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ (我是歌手) 4225次阅读
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Windflowers by Seals & Crofts
翻唱:齐豫 齐秦
Windflowers, my father told me not to go near them,
he said he feared them always and he told me that they carried him away
Windflowers, beautiful windflowers, I couldn't wait to touch them,
to smell them, I held them closely and now I cannot break away
their sweet bouquet disappears like a vapor in the desert
so...take a warning. son.....
Windflowers....ancient windflowers their beauty captures every
young dreamer who lingers near them
but ancient windflowers
I love you
my father told me not to
go near them
he feared them always
said they carried him away
I couldn't wait to touch them
to smell them
I held them closely
now I cannot break away
their sweet bouquet disappears
like a vapor in the desert
take a warning son
their beauty captures every
young dreamer
who lingers near them
ancient windflowers I love you
- ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿【生如夏花】活动圆满结束!非常感谢大家的积极参与!也再次感谢“爱晚亭”歌友的好点子,让大家玩得很尽兴!✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ - 我是歌手, 2018-07-12
- 哇哇哇!这效率!!班长太贴心了!刚看到下面歌友提建议,歌坛马上就采纳接着活动,太给力了啊!坚决支持!! - 修理小子, 2018-07-12
- 欢迎大家来参加活动哦!又有好玩的了!谢谢爱晚亭大哥的好点子! - 乐乐, 2018-07-12
- 感谢乐妹班长的open mind,反应好快!妹班长好样的! - 修理小子, 2018-07-12
- 其实是玉兰斑竹先看到的,然后派我发了通知贴,嘻嘻嘻~~~ - 乐乐, 2018-07-12
- 感谢乐妹班长的open mind,反应好快!妹班长好样的! - 修理小子, 2018-07-12
- 哈哈,这个活动太妙了;)支持! - 玉兰花开, 2018-07-12
- 感谢兰兰班长!感谢歌坛班长能这么关心和尊重歌友意见,这么open mind!太给力了! - 修理小子, 2018-07-12
- 太贴心了,我要改帖去,嘻嘻 - 秋叶飘洒, 2018-07-12
- 爱晚亭好点子, 版主民主大家作风,先顶一个,再想出啥节目! - Serena藕花深处, 2018-07-12
- 真的太感谢班长了,我就顺口一说 结果还真当回事,就算我和秋叶沾光了。抢了头柱香! - 爱晚亭, 2018-07-12
- 这个活动倡议很好啊,翻箱底支持! - 老乔治, 2018-07-12
- 班长们太厉害了,不但采纳了栈友的点子,还取了个这么雅致的活动名字,佩服:) 马上找歌来参加活动哈:) - 丽桥游子, 2018-07-12
- 这个活动也不能缺席,得想想唱啥好。 - 加州戏迷, 2018-07-13
- 热烈祝贺客栈又一活动圆满结束!真是花团锦簇, 万紫千红, 给炎炎夏日带来好多欢乐!相信这次活动的余热还能持续一段时间呢!大家歌单上肯定又多了跟风歌名! - Serena藕花深处, 2018-07-30