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Everybody trading oil should read this news report in my opinion, the following is just a key point, more to come in the report: The EIA shed some much-needed light on how it compiles those weekly numbers in a presentation this week, which should at least clear up some confusion. The short explanation is that the weekly production figure is an extrapolation of the monthly forecast in the Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), another closely-watched EIA report, with some tweaks based on weather, rig counts and other indicators. It is a far less precise figure than the monthly production data the EIA compiles through surveys of operators across the country, but which comes with a two-month lag—an eternity in today's world. (谈股论金)  225次阅读

作者: longterminvestor @, 发表于: 2018-01-31 (2425天前) @ 雅歌


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