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ZT:Mnuchin Doesn't Rule Out Delaying Tax Cut for Corporations (谈股论金)  369次阅读

作者: Dolphin @, 发表于: 2017-11-08 (2515天前) @ 新东


Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin isn’t ruling out delaying the start of a corporate tax rate cut, but emphasized the administration’s “strong preference” is for the relief to start in 2018.

“The longer we wait, the worse it is for the economy and making companies competitive,” Mnuchin said in an interview Wednesday with Bloomberg TV in Washington. “The president’s strong preference -- he feels very strongly that he wants to start this right away. But having said that, we’ll have to look at the entire Senate package.”

The Washington Post reported late Tuesday that Senate tax writers were considering a 1-year delay in implementing a 20 percent corporate rate. The House tax legislation unveiled last week calls for an immediate and permanent 20 percent corporate rate. Before the bill was released, House tax writers were said to have been considering a gradual phase in of the rate to ensure their plan would comply with congressional budget rules.

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Mnuchin was said to resist a gradual phase in of the proposed 20 percent corporate rate out of concern the move wouldn’t boost economic growth as much as anticipated -- he’s said higher GDP from the corporate rate cut would offset its cost. A slow reduction of the corporate rate from its current 35 percent would also make the U.S. less competitive, as other countries cut their rates faster and foreigners delay investments in the U.S.


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