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Winter Fuel Wake Up (谈股论金)  336次阅读

作者: 追风者 @, 发表于: 2017-10-26 (2425天前) @ 雅歌


Nat gas is another concern. While the market is somewhat complacent the supply situation is at a very low level ahead of a winter where we are expected to see record demand. Andrew Weissman of ECB Analytics points out that the natural gas storage trajectory is now on pace for the second-lowest end-of-season level since 2009—increasing market susceptibility to upside price shocks. He says that with La Nina the weather forecasts just turned sharply colder, with space heating demand newly projected to double from 50 gHDDs this week to 97 gHDDs next week. He says that the supply versus demand balance is projected to be much tighter in November and December than a year-ago and five-year average balances—bolstering the likelihood of substantial upward price moves this winter. An assessment that we agree with.


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