New Warning Signs Emerge For Subprime Auto Securitizations (谈股论金) 530次阅读
观看【xiaosan】的博客New Warning Signs Emerge For Subprime Auto Securitizations
Last month, we pointed that one of wall street’s largest underwriters of auto debt was suddenly slashing their own holdings of auto loans while simultaneously ramping up the issuance of auto securitization facilities thereby pawning off the risk to ‘suckers’ who have no idea they’re jumping in front of yet another financial freight train (see “Deja Vu: JPM Slashes Auto Loans For Their Own Book; Ramps Up ABS Issuance For The Suckers“).
Now, according to Bloomberg and Wells Fargo, new signs are emerging which suggest that auto ABS facilities, like their RMBS cousins of last decade, aren’t quite as bullet proof as the ‘suckers’ thought they were. While a subtle degradation, Wells Fargo points out that fewer auto borrowers are suddenly paying off their loan balances early. And while that may not sound as dire as say a default, it suggests that auto borrowers may be finding it more difficult to find new financing when they go to trade in their 3-year old clunker for that brand new BMW.
Fewer subprime borrowers are paying off their auto loans early, a possible sign that consumers with weaker credit scores are struggling more, according to a report by Wells Fargo & Co. researchers.
Borrowers are making fewer extra payments on loans that were bundled into bonds in 2015 and 2016, compared with loans in 2013 and 2014 bonds, according to Wells Fargo analysts led by John McElravey. The data on prepayments may offer another sign that subprime consumers are having more trouble paying their bills, the analysts wrote in a note dated Tuesday. Borrowers are already defaulting on a growing amount of auto debt.
Last decade, slower monthly payment rates on credit cards were an early sign of the consumer credit cycle changing for the worse, the analysts wrote. For auto loans, slower prepayment may be more of a coincident indicator than a leading one, they wrote.
Of course, just like 2007, the largest seller of auto ABS, Wells Fargo (just as Bear Stearns did in 2007), is telling investors that they have nothing to worry about…unless you think slower paydowns and a massive declines in used car prices are a problem…
The researchers at Wells Fargo, the number one seller of bonds backed by subprime auto loans, have said that the bonds pose few risks to bondholders, even though they recommend investors cut their risk exposure because of valuations.
Slowing prepayments can hurt investors in bonds backed by car loans, said Peter Kaplan, a senior portfolio manager at Merganser Capital Management. They can result in a deal’s bonds getting paid down more slowly, which can hurt the riskiest securities in a transaction.
“I think downgrades are completely possible,” with a remote possibility that the riskiest securities will take losses, he said.
Lenders and big bond graders, such as S&P Global Ratings, have pointed to the debts’ fast amortization and possible upgrades as reasons for investors to have faith in the securities.
Of course, this is just the latest sign of trouble in auto ABS…below are recent developments in delinquency and default trends courtesy of Morgan Stanley.
If you’re among the growing minority of investors still under the impression that ‘everything if awesome’ in the auto industry simply because new car sales volumes continue to hover around all time highs, while turning a blind eye to soaring incentive spending and that pesky little debt bubble, then we may need your help with how we should be interpreting the following subprime auto loan delinquency stats from Morgan Stanley.
In a recent report, Jeen Ng of Morgan Stanley took a look at 266 subprime auto ABS deals to assess the underlying ‘health’ of the auto loan market and this is a recap of what he found.
First, despite low unemployment, high consumer confidence and debt-to-income ratios at 30-year lows, 60+ day delinquencies and default rates are soaring back to ‘great recession’ levels for prime and subprime auto securitizations.
Meanwhile, loss severities are also starting to rise…
….just as used car prices come under pressure…
Used Car Prices
…which likely has something to do with the flood of lease returns that are about to hit the market…
Auto Leases
Of course, it can’t be that these deteriorating credit metrics are the result of 21 consecutive quarters of loosening lending standards from 2Q 2011 through 2Q 2016, right?
Lending Standards Have Eased…: While overall household debt remains below pre-crisis peaks, auto debt has ballooned to all-time highs. While this debt grew, the median FICO score of borrowers receiving auto loans fell roughly 30 points from peak to trough. According to the Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey (SLOOS), auto lenders eased lending standards for 21 consecutive quarters from 2Q 2011 through 2Q 2016.
…but Lenders Now Appear to Be Reversing Course and Tightening Standards: While FICO scores did drop precipitously, they have recovered in recent months, and the SLOOS reports 3 quarters of tightening standards after the 21 of easing. A look at the weighted average FICO scores of loans going into subprime ABS deals reveals similar trends, with a number of lenders reporting increases in these scores over recent years. However, the overall trend has moved lower since 2013.
Meanwhile, just like in the past housing crash, the mix of “deep subprime” collateral being pawned off on the ABS market is soaring…because who else would buy it?
Shift in Deal Mix the Real Culprit: The main driver of this dynamic appears to be that, while individual lenders are increasing their weighted average FICO scores, the securitization market has become more heavily weighted towards issuers that we would consider deep subprime – those with a weighted average FICO score below 550. In fact, since 2010, the share of Subprime Auto ABS origination that has come from these deep subprime deals has increased from 5.1% to 32.5%.
Deep Subprime Driving Delinquencies: Since 2012, 60+ delinquencies of non-deep subprime deals picked up from 3.03% to 3.92%. While that 89bps increase certainly demonstrates deterioration, it pales in comparison to the over 300bps increase coming from these deep subprime deals.
But sure, 18mm new cars per year is probably a ‘normalized’ level of demand for the U.S. market…just like 1.3mm in new home sales was ‘normal’ in 2005.
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- 谢谢小伞好文分享。 - 秋凉, 2017-06-01
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- 美国5月27日当周首次申请失业救济人数24.8万,预期23.8万,前值由23.4万修正为23.5万。 美国5月20日当周续请失业救济人数191.5万,预期192万,前值由192.3万修正为192.4万。 - 新东, 2017-06-01
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- 【周四美股盘前你需要了解的全球资讯】 美国5月ADP就业人数增加25.3万,远超预期的增加18万。 美国5月27日当周首次申请失业救济人数升至24.8万,高于预期。 美国旧金山联储主席Williams看好美国经济,认为今年将总共升息三次。 美联储理事鲍威尔(有投票权):今年稍晚开始缩表是合适的。 媒体:若原油库存维持高位,欧佩克将在下一次会议上重新审视深化减产的提议。 特朗普将于周四宣布有关美国是否退出巴黎气候协定的决定。 中国外交部称中国将坚守巴黎气候协定。 欧元区5月制造业PMI飙升至逾六年最高,新订单表现亮眼。 YouGov民调显示,英国首相特May领导的保守党领先幅度降至三个百分点。 日经225指数收涨1.1%,沪指跌0.5%,恒指涨0.6%至23个月高位。 关注稍晚的美国5月Markit制造业PMI终值、ISM制造业指数、上周EIA原油库存等。 - 新东, 2017-06-01
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- 美国5月ISM制造业指数54.9,预期54.7,前值54.8。 美国5月ISM制造业物价支付指数60.5,创2016年11月份以来新低,预期67,前值68.5。 美国5月ISM制造业新订单指数59.5,前值57.5。 美国5月ISM制造业就业指数53.5,前值52。 - 新东, 2017-06-01
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- 你应到楼上去提问. - 新东, 2017-06-01
- 美国5月26日当周EIA原油库存-642.8万桶,预期-300.0万桶,前值-443.2万桶。 美国5月26日当周EIA库欣地区原油库存-74.7万桶,预期-50.0万桶,前值-74.1万桶。 美国5月26日当周EIA汽油库存-285.8万桶,预期-150.0万桶,前值-78.7万桶。 美国5月26日当周EIA精炼油库存+39.4万桶,预期-70.0万桶,前值-48.5万桶。 美国5月26日当周EIA精炼厂设备利用率变化1.5%,预期-0.1%,前值0.1%。 - 新东, 2017-06-01