版主:雅歌  新东  胖胖  熊熊  

6:43 am ET April 13, 2017 (Benzinga) Print On CNBC's Mad Money, Jim Cramer spoke about Lululemon Athletica inc. (NASDAQ: LULU). He thinks the company can fix its problems and he believes the stock is trading too low to sell. Cramer said investors are selling the steel companies because they believe the U.S. is going to have to sacrifice them in order to make a deal with China to stop supporting the government of North Korea. He would not buy United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X). He added that Nucor Corporation(NYSE: NUE) is the only U.S. steel company that he can recommend as a buy. (谈股论金)  596次阅读

作者: lantian99 @, 发表于: 2017-04-13 (2732天前) @ 雅歌


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