

《Eyes on Me》 (我是歌手)  3759次阅读

作者: 听泉 @, 发表于: 2016-10-15 (2904天前)
编辑: 听泉, 时间: 星期六, 十月 15, 2016, 09:29


关于歌曲的背景资料:《Eyes on Me》是日本游戏公司史克威尔1999年的惊世巨作--《最终幻想Ⅷ》的主题曲,该曲伴随游戏的发售迅速在乐坛流行开来,一度登上排行榜第一的位置,曾被评为世界年度十大金曲。歌曲的原唱是王菲,简单的节奏配上她通透、干净的嗓音,给了这首曲以唯美的情境和摄人心魄的力量,听来仿佛陷入某中美好的回忆中。歌曲的含义需要追溯到游戏的情节中,在游戏里有段情节是关于男主角父亲拉格那雷法尔的,他经常去一家酒吧坐在角落里,听一个女钢琴手的演奏。但是后来由于战乱原因两个人没有走到一起,而其各自的子女就成了游戏中的男主角和女主角。《Eyes on Me》按照游戏里应该理解成"注视着我的你",但她后来再也没有看到过注视她的眼神的出现,所以就谱写了这首《Eyes on Me》。


Eyes on me
whenever sang my songs
on the stage , on my own
whenever said my words
wishing they would be heard
i saw you smiling at me
was it real or just my fantasy
you’d always be there in the corner
of this tiny little bar
my last night here for you
samg old songs , just once more
my last night here with you ?
maybe yes , maybe no
i kind of liked it your way
how you shyly placed your eyes on me
oh , did you ever know ?
that i had mine on you
darling , so there you are
with that look on your face
as if you’re never hurt
as if you’re never down
shall i be the one for you
who pinches you softly but sure
if frown is shown then
i will know that you are on dreamer
so let me come to you
close as i wanted to be
close enough for me
to feel your heart beating fast
and stay there as i whisper
how i love you peaceful eyes on me
did you ever know
that i had mine on you
darling , so share with me
your love if you have enough
your tests if you’re holding back
or pain if that’s what it is
how can i let you know
i’m more than the dress and the voice
just reach me out then
you will know that you’re not dreaming


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