

***** 鞠躬感谢楼上各位朋友热情真诚的鼓励和支持,你们的每一字每一句我都认真拜读了,我真的很开心也很感动, 再次感谢你们,有你们的支持我会继续努力学习,争取越唱越好,和大家一起天天愉快唱歌跳舞,天天好心情!****** 还有....... (我是歌手)  242次阅读

作者: 如苏 @, 发表于: 2016-08-30 (3013天前) @ 如苏


Jambalaya就是大烩菜。有家餐馆叫california pizza kitchen,它家的jambalaya很有名也很好吃。 不过我还是更喜欢咱们自己的海鲜炒饭,你呢?呵呵呵!!!

Jambalaya is similar to (but distinct from) other rice-and-meat dishes known in Louisiana cuisine. Gumbo uses similar sausages, meats, seafood, vegetables and seasonings, however gumbo includes filé powder and okra, which are not common in jambalaya. Gumbo is also usually served over white rice, which is prepared separate from the rest of the dish, unlike jambalaya, where the rice is prepared with the other ingredients. Étouffée is a stew which always includes shellfish such as shrimp or crayfish, but does not have the sausage common to jambalaya and gumbo. Also, like gumbo, étouffée is usually served over separately prepared rice.


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