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Fed officials are leaving the door open for more rate hikes if the economy improves, minutes say (谈股论金)  649次阅读

作者: 雅歌 @, 发表于: 2019-04-10 (1869天前) @ 修理小子


Fed officials are leaving the door open for more rate hikes if the economy improves, minutes say
Minutes from the Federal Reserve's March 19-20 meeting say some policymakers under certain circumstances could "judge it appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate modestly later this year."
"Several participants noted that their views of the appropriate range for the federal funds rate could shift in either direction," the minutes say.
But the summary also says: "A majority of participants expected that the evolution of the economic outlook and risks to the outlook would likely warrant leaving the target range unchanged for the remainder of the year."



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