
《Oh Shenandoah》 by 逍遥乐 第一次学唱E歌,毛病多多,请高手们批评指正。在全民K歌上唱了二版,一版没有伴奏,只好跟着 The Texas Tenors 原唱唱,第二版用了Suzy Boggus 的伴奏。 一打开帖子二版同时开工,麻烦你关掉一版再听,否则全是噪音。二版歌词稍有不同,在网上实在找不着精准的歌词,抱歉呵 (我是歌手)  4824次阅读

作者: 逍遥乐 @, 发表于: 2018-12-04 (1978天前)
编辑: 逍遥乐, 时间: 星期二, 十二月 04, 2018, 20:16


"Oh Shenandoah" (also called simply "Shenandoah" is a traditional American folk song of uncertain origin, dating to the early 19th century.

The song appears to have originated with Canadian and American voyageurs or fur traders traveling down the Missouri River in canoes, and has developed several different sets of lyrics. Some lyrics refer to the Oneida chief Shenandoah and a canoe-going trader who wants to marry his daughter. By the mid 1800s versions of the song had become a sea shanty heard or sung by sailors in various parts of the world.

Lyrics to Shenandoah 二版歌词稍有不同,在全民K歌上唱,在网上实在找不着精准的歌词,抱歉呵。

oh Shenandoah, I long to hear you Away, your rolling river O Shenandoah, I long to hear you Away, I'm bound away 'Cross the wide Missouri

Missouri, she's a mighty river Away, you rolling river The Indians camp along her borders Away, I'm bound away 'Cross the wide Missouri

The white man loved an Indian maiden Away, you rolling river With notions his canoe was laden Away, I'm bound away 'Cross the wide Missouri

O Shenandoah, I love your daughter Away, you rolling river For her I've crossed the rolling water Away, I'm bound away 'Cross the wide Missouri

Seven long years I courted Sally Away, you rolling river Seven more I longed to have her Away, I'm bound away 'Cross the wide Missouri

Farewell, my dear, I'm bound to leave you Away, you rolling river O Shenandoah, I'll not deceive you Away, I'm bound away 'Cross the wide Missouri

The Texas Tenors' version


Suzy Boggus version



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