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STX还没跌够,至少等今天跌了7%后,再跌5%才入场。下跌的三大原因见内。 (谈股论金)  469次阅读

作者: 雅歌 @, 发表于: 2018-08-09 (2094天前) @ shakescreen


1。The company's fundamentals are likely to peak in the back half of 2018 and then decline in 2019 due to an oversupply of NAND and falling SSD prices, Delaney said. This is notable for Seagate, as an estimated 50-60 percent of total gross profit comes from markets that are directly impacted by weakness in SSD pricing or NAND, he said. 

2。Seagate succeeded in lowering its cost structures exiting the 2015/2016 HDD downturn, which implies cost savings are a tailwind that will dissipate, the analyst said. The company's $385-million operating expenditure target for the fourth quarter is 30 percent lower than the first quarter of 2015, but revenue is down by about 15 percent over the same time period, he said. 

3。Seagate's stock is trading at a two-turn premium on a forward P/E basis compared to its closest peers, which can't be justified given the risk in Seagate's business model, Delaney said. 


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