版主:雅歌  新东  胖胖  熊熊  


03:50 PM EDT, 05/17/2018 (MT Newswires) -- The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) said on Thursday it is making public a list of companies that have potentially been blocking access to the samples of their branded products, raising hurdles for generic drug development and approval, sending shares of top drugmakers lower. "We hope that this increased transparency will help reduce unnecessary hurdles to generic drug development and approval," FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said in a statement. Among the losers included Celgene (CELG), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) and Novartis (NVS), which were down between 0.8% and 1.8% in late trade. "We often hear of these tactics when it comes to generic drug developer access to samples when the brand products are subject to limited distribution programs," Gottlieb said. "We'll continue to update this list periodically." (谈股论金)  474次阅读

作者: 雅歌 @, 发表于: 2018-05-21 (2169天前) @ 雅歌


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