版主:雅歌  新东  胖胖  熊熊  

The next significant uptick in demand will occur when the first of train at Texas' Freeport plant comes online in 4Q 2018, boosting LNG feedgas demand by 0.7 BCF/day to push total daily feedgas capacity to over 5 BCF/day and export capacity to just under that mark. Unless there are major delays, 2019 has the potential to be a landmark year for the US' burgeoning LNG industry with Elba Island and Freeport bringing the remainder of their LNG trains online, and Corpus Christi and Cameron both potentially coming online as well. By the end of 2019, it is possible that total daily demand could nearly double to 10 BCF/day. (谈股论金)  550次阅读

作者: @, 发表于: 2018-03-13 (2275天前) @ 陌


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