ZT: These Are The 6 Traders Who Were Just Arrested For Manipulating The Gold Market (谈股论金) 401次阅读
观看【雄仓佳措】的博客On Monday morning we reported that a number of traders - currently or formerly employed by UBS, HSBC and Deutsche Bank (as usual, no JPMorgan US banks were touched) - would be perp-walked and charged in an unprecedented cross-agency crackdown between the CFTC, DOJ and FBI seeking to punish spoofers of futures. This was confirmed moments ago by a CFTC press release which announced criminal and civil enforcement actions against three banks and six individuals involved in commodities fraud and spoofing schemes.
Here is what got far less publicity: it wasn't just any futures that were spoofed - all the banks and traders busted were charged for spoofing the precious metals market, i.e. gold and silver. We bring this up because there are still the occasional idiots out there who say gold and silver were never manipulated.
The banks in question, and their penalties:
Deutsche Bank will pay a $30 million civil monetary penalty and undertake remedial relief. The Orders finds that "from at least February 2008 and continuing through at least September 2014, DB AG, by and through certain precious metals traders (Traders), engaged in a scheme to manipulate the price of precious metals futures contracts by utilizing a variety of manual spoofing techniques with respect to precious metals futures contracts traded on the Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX), and by trading in a manner to trigger customer stop-loss orders."
UBS will pay a $15 million civil monetary penalty and undertake remedial relief. The Order finds that from "January 2008 through at least December 2013, UBS, by and through the acts of certain precious metals traders on the spot desk (Traders), attempted to manipulate the price of precious metals futures contracts by utilizing a variety of manual spoofing techniques with respect to precious metals futures contracts traded on the Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX), including gold and silver, and by trading in a manner to trigger customer stop-loss orders."
HSBC will pay a civil monetary penalty of $1.6 million, and cease and desist from violating the Commodity Exchange Act’s prohibition against spoofing, after an Order found HSBC engaged in numerous acts of "spoofing with respect to certain futures products in gold and other precious metals traded on the Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX). The Order finds that HSBC engaged in this activity through one of its traders based in HSBC’s New York office."
For those keeping count, this is roughly the 4th time HSBC has been found guilty of manipulating markets after the bank nearly lost its charter and swore it would never manipulate markets again.
- 1/29/2018 《了解天然气期货的对手》和金、气评论 - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 黄金,金矿股指数GDX, NUGT/DUST讨论区。请点击后,在底下发回复帖! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老板早评,周三议息,黄金调整,准备这两天加仓nugt - 林林, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师的早评! - 玉海, 2018-01-29
- 给版主提个问题:如果每次都和前两年一样,FED 开会之前黄金下降,这都是一个极好做DUST 的机会。不知2018年会不会是遵循这种规律?至少这次是这样的。 - zhubinnewton, 2018-01-29
- 如果这种规律今年不破,这都是一个稳赚不赔的机会。 - zhubinnewton, 2018-01-29
- 那些不相信MM 会操纵市场的同学请看看。 - 雄仓佳措, 2018-01-29
- ZT: These Are The 6 Traders Who Were Just Arrested For Manipulating The Gold Market - 雄仓佳措, 2018-01-29
- 原油期货,USO,UCO/SCO (2XETF),UWT/DWT (3X)讨论区 - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- No body talk about oil. I have just added some 2xD - signal, 2018-01-29
- 老师,今天应该趁油跌,割掉D油吗?还是再等等? - 碧玉, 2018-01-29
- 俺觉得可以等1/31日EIA报告出来后。如果只是小赔,可以先割了。 - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 原油似乎还很顽强, 不怎么跌得下去 - VQ, 2018-01-29
- 油价若跌破65元,可能会考验63元的支撑。 - 万里长城永不倒, 2018-01-29
- 祝它早点跌破63元 - casunny168, 2018-01-30
- 天然气期货,UNG,UGAZ/DGAZ讨论区。请点击本帖后,在底下发回复帖讨论! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 老师早!天然气掉了,会掉到哪儿去? - lazyalex, 2018-01-29
- Gas—3.6-3.2 on stockcharts; Ugaz—100-88, then 88-105 on Fidelity chart,
see my charts at top of the forum - seabird58, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢 - 卫嘴子, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢海鸟! - Rio2016, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢海鸟! - 宝宝开心, 2018-01-29
- Thanks for sharing - Newbie1998, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢海鸟! - 旭日东升660, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢海鸟! - LRH, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢海鸟! - 大笨蛋, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢海鸟! - Letitsnow, 2018-01-29
- 这个走向还蛮受鼓励的,愿成真,谢谢海鸟。 - 天涯逍遥, 2018-01-29
- 继续进DGAZ at 18.30. - 天涯逍遥, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢海鸟! - sva2017, 2018-01-29
- Pre-market already fell to 88, so now will it be to 105? - wjlc8, 2018-01-29
- does this mean we can buy DGAZ whenever ugaz>105? - wjlc8, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢海鸟! - lazyalex, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢海鸟! - 芳草茵茵, 2018-01-29
- Gas—3.6-3.2 on stockcharts; Ugaz—100-88, then 88-105 on Fidelity chart,
see my charts at top of the forum - seabird58, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢 - 物极必反, 2018-01-29
- 请问老师,2月份的期货已经到了最后一个交易日,低开,怎么还会被推高呢?现在的多仓不会风险很高吗?谢谢 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 不用担心! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- @雅歌 老師的意思現在去買Ugaz 也OK? - iceman, 2018-01-29
- 不要买UGAZ!很可能被套牢! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 请问老师,今天天然气低开却要回补缺口,是不是还是预示着强势会继续上升啊?今天早上错过了DGAZ平仓的机会,只做了部分减仓。今天的走势,前半段让人看到希望,后来就让人觉得希望渺茫了。是天然气的基本面发生了变化吗?谢谢 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 从今天走势上看,一天的回调都不给,巨亏还在后面 - 神枪, 2018-01-29
- 现在dgaz在区间运动,宜高抛低买。希望大家都赚钱 - algo, 2018-01-29
- 收到 - iceman, 2018-01-29
- 请问老师,今天天然气低开却要回补缺口,是不是还是预示着强势会继续上升啊?今天早上错过了DGAZ平仓的机会,只做了部分减仓。今天的走势,前半段让人看到希望,后来就让人觉得希望渺茫了。是天然气的基本面发生了变化吗?谢谢 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 不要买UGAZ!很可能被套牢! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- @雅歌 老師的意思現在去買Ugaz 也OK? - iceman, 2018-01-29
- 感觉有点像上个月最后一个交易日,大家都以为空头该撒手了,Ugaz有希望了,可人家硬是挺到了第二天才转向,当时有很多人倒在了黎明前。这次我们拿着D气一定不要放手。最多来个高抛低吸,今天的机会我就错过了,那是相当地后悔! - 北极熊熊, 2018-01-29
- 今天机会还在呀。价位还挺低 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 因为高没抛,所以低吸不着了,没钱!呵呵 - 北极熊熊, 2018-01-29
- 我抛了1/3,但是后来只加了一点点。仓位太大了心理压力太大。 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- D不要加仓了,还有半个月严寒天气,MM不讲道理起来够狠 - 神枪, 2018-01-29
- 2月天气明显没有1月寒冷 - 外星客人, 2018-01-29
- 是的,2月期货收在最高点3.62, 3月期货下月就算逼空3.3也差不多了,MM非理性就难说了 - 神枪, 2018-01-29
- 2月天气明显没有1月寒冷 - 外星客人, 2018-01-29
- 因为高没抛,所以低吸不着了,没钱!呵呵 - 北极熊熊, 2018-01-29
- 借你吉言,明天转向 - 神枪, 2018-01-29
- 同感。多头应该是“再而衰,三而竭”。 - -非圣-, 2018-01-29
- 再而衰,衰而遏。说得好! - jc23, 2018-01-29
- 2月期货一路逼空,收在最高点3.62 - 神枪, 2018-01-29
- 三月的也在一路逼空,好像看不到尽头啊! - casunny168, 2018-01-30
- 今天机会还在呀。价位还挺低 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 不用担心! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 多头反扑的很厉害哎,大有大有回补缺口的架势.刚才应该平空仓的,一下差了好多钱 - 神枪, 2018-01-29
- 有没有人感觉今天的天然气走势就是为了掩护2月份期货出货,所以一直拉高? - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 想问一下,经过了今天,还有多少人坚定地相信天然气会跌? - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 说来每天都有逃出去的机会,可是总是因为自己的犹豫和不甘心错过机会。唉,调整目标,不想赚钱,只要保本就可以。我希望DGAZ能到21.5,我就全部出局,不碰它了,还是得老老实实地建立投资理念。 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 想好了策略就挂好目标价sell吧 - hunt@higher, 2018-01-29
- in what time period? for sure in three months - wjlc8, 2018-01-29
- 说来每天都有逃出去的机会,可是总是因为自己的犹豫和不甘心错过机会。唉,调整目标,不想赚钱,只要保本就可以。我希望DGAZ能到21.5,我就全部出局,不碰它了,还是得老老实实地建立投资理念。 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 一夜回到解放前!看来这次气MM做多很坚决,空气的要做好水下憋气一个月的准备 - 神枪, 2018-01-29
- 任何一个spike必须卖出啊。 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 冲浪的高手也许能利用好每一个浪头,但大多数人,比如我自己,只能坐在岸边呆若木鸡的看着,等着属于自己的那一个浪头到来。 - 雄仓佳措, 2018-01-29
- 不看到月底再说 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-30
- 冲浪的高手也许能利用好每一个浪头,但大多数人,比如我自己,只能坐在岸边呆若木鸡的看着,等着属于自己的那一个浪头到来。 - 雄仓佳措, 2018-01-29
- You can Buy half Ugaz to make it even,, or stop dgaz at 20 - seabird58, 2018-01-29
- Not sure if there is still chance to 20 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢海鸟! - 阳光, 2018-01-29
- 任何一个spike必须卖出啊。 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 看不到D气收盘涨10%(或者连续两天收盘合计涨10% )俺是坚决不入D气。 - 尕斯湖畔, 2018-01-29
- 请教老师:D气拿到2月底可以吗,损耗会不会很大? - lazyalex, 2018-01-29
- 可以拿到2月底,没问题! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师! - lazyalex, 2018-01-30
- 可以拿到2月底,没问题! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 老师请问为什么气从3.5会掉到3.0但是dgaz却影响不大? - YS, 2018-01-29
- 对标三月期货啦 - hunt@higher, 2018-01-29
- 请问dgaz大约什么时候合股一次? - YS, 2018-01-29
- 老师早!天然气掉了,会掉到哪儿去? - lazyalex, 2018-01-29
- UVXY/SVXY与其它三倍的ETF讨论区。UVXY是恐慌指数期货的2X,SVXY是恐慌指数的倒数 - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 老师早!大家早! - Kay288, 2018-01-29
- Good morning! Thanks - Rosemary, 2018-01-29
- 雅歌老师早!谢谢老师的早评!大家早! - 旭日东升660, 2018-01-29
- UVXY可以在10.7元以上先卖了! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- SVXY可以在123-124元买进短炒! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 可以下调入场点到121.8-122.3元! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 我刚才买了,在122.7的位置,目标价位多少?谢谢! - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- Me too! thanks for teacher! - jc23, 2018-01-29
- I just bought svxy at 122.31, Thank you, teacher. - Liuzhonghe, 2018-01-29
- Thanks! Our teacher! - jc23, 2018-01-29
- 多谢 - shur, 2018-01-30
- 我刚才买了,在122.7的位置,目标价位多少?谢谢! - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- XIV 溢价了,SVXY还在净值,是不是个套利机会?还是个坑?XIV是ETN,不是ETF,会不会停止新发行份额造成暴涨? - 神枪, 2018-01-29
- 雅歌:SVXY短炒的目标是多少? - Sidney, 2018-01-29
- SVXY短炒1-4天的目标是129-131元! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师 - 玉海, 2018-01-29
- 老师,SVXY 为啥跌这么多? - JN1991, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师给出参考目标价,今天分别在122.5 和 117.8 (盘后) 买进了一些 - happyTrading3, 2018-01-29
- 为啥今天svxy 比 xiv 跌得多? - 映山红, 2018-01-29
- XIV这几天都溢价交易,内在原因不详。SVXY正常 - 神枪, 2018-01-29
- 什么叫溢价交易?能解释一下吗?谢谢。早上预设131.25买xiv,filled. 现在水下,想捂着 - 映山红, 2018-01-29
- 价格高于净值 - 神枪, 2018-01-29
- 什么叫溢价交易?能解释一下吗?谢谢。早上预设131.25买xiv,filled. 现在水下,想捂着 - 映山红, 2018-01-29
- XIV这几天都溢价交易,内在原因不详。SVXY正常 - 神枪, 2018-01-29
- SVXY短炒1-4天的目标是129-131元! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师! - 旭日东升660, 2018-01-29
- 现在盘后不到118就可买到 - jinjin, 2018-01-29
- 可以下调入场点到121.8-122.3元! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 请问今早为什么会有vix升高 thx - cutebean, 2018-01-29
- UVXY - wesley, 2018-01-29
- SVXY可以在123-124元买进短炒! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师!老师早!大家早! - 阳光, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师! - caap2008, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢雅歌老师的分析和早评 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-01-29
- 老师早!大家早!谢谢老师早评! - 新东, 2018-01-29
- Thanks for the best analysis! - 狗蛋妈, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师早评! - hunt@higher, 2018-01-29
- +1 - AustinW, 2018-01-29
- 谢早评。 - apt919, 2018-01-29
- 恭喜空气的栈友了! - 自然风光, 2018-01-29
- 老师早!谢谢老师的早评! - 顺其自然, 2018-01-29
- 老师早!大家早!谢谢老师早评! - 开心果er, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师! - 望闻问切, 2018-01-29
- good morning, thanks for the analysis! - jyac, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师! - 路过停留, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢! - lele, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师的早评! - 寸草心, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师! - Letitsnow, 2018-01-29
- 老师早!大家早!谢谢老师早评! - 牙牙, 2018-01-29
- +1 - 心心, 2018-01-29
- Thanks - zhubinnewton, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师的早评! - 芳草茵茵, 2018-01-29
- 学到了,谢谢雅歌 - 杨过不改, 2018-01-29
- 老师早!大家早!谢谢老师早评! - Rio2016, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师早评 - Newbie1998, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师早评! - 宝宝开心, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢早评! - 小迪, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师早评! - TigerDDO, 2018-01-29
- 老师早!大家早!谢谢老师早评! - Don, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢早评 - signal, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师早评! - LRH, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师早评! - zion, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师的分析。买HUGT。 - 长青, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢评论! - cheer, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢 - cutebean, 2018-01-29
- Xie Xie. - petercanada, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师 - zwbbb, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师早评! - haoqi, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师的早评! - 立秋, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师的数据和分析! - su759527, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师早评! - sva2017, 2018-01-29
- 油呢,老师 - Falcon7x, 2018-01-29
- 谢老师早评! - conerstone, 2018-01-29
- 谢谢老师早评 - evangemi, 2018-01-29
- 黄金,金矿股指数GDX, NUGT/DUST讨论区。请点击后,在底下发回复帖! - 雅歌, 2018-01-29